Reflective Question



by BAI LEIFA . -
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The role of HRM has been changing time to time. Before it was personal management and then it switched as Human reosource management by acknowledging the employees are key asset of an organization.
And then it has combined the Strategic part to elaborate the major business decision and discuss the critical parts in HR. to addressed to the above challenges of SHRM there huge role has to played by the HR managers and they need to have to be proactive rather than reactive to enhance capabilities of workforce and take maximum output of them. They have to use effective recruiting process to attract best people in to their organization. And HR managers should take the actions which are should match with the international standards and the period of trasition HR mangers can make a framework to develop employees compentancies to performed job effeiciently. Furthermore, Using technology they can diversified HR strategies among the workforce and it will make efficient relationship with work force and company. And also they need to look a way to retain best employees with them by making their work life balancing and they lead to enhance the productivity and reduce the cost.