This study clearly describes the polycentric approach, taking into account that there are various methods to IHRM. This strategy is mostly predicated on the fact that organizations hire locals for senior positions. Parent country nationals are scarce. All decisions are made by local management, which is very decentralized. All operational policies, with the exception of those that are broadly set by the corporate in the parent country, are decided locally. The text's author uses a Chinese corporation as an example, which seeks to operate both domestically and internationally. This might be seen as embodying certain aspects of the ethnocentric approach, which holds that best methods for managing human resources in one country should be adopted globally.
However, based on my experience, multinational corporations with a geocentric perspective are currently the most successful businesses. This strategy is significantly more developed and acknowledges that local practices vary greatly in strength. Due to the numerous elements involved, it is significantly simpler for businesses utilizing this strategy to enter global markets.