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adaptive approach to global HR for multinational companies

adaptive approach to global HR for multinational companies

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1. The principle of ethnocentrism. In this management method, transnational corporations directly transplant the policies and affectations in their parent companies to overseas subsidiaries, which are managed by the local employees sent by the parent company, while the parent company strictly controls the policies of its subsidiaries. In this case, the HR manager of the subsidiary needs to assist in the adjustment between the regulations of the company headquarters and the policies acceptable to the local staff of the host country, which is difficult.

2. Simplified method. In this management mode, the parent company and subsidiaries are basically independent of each other. Each subsidiary implements human resource management policies that are suitable for the specific local environment, and the human resource managers are also local employees. In this case, the HR manager of the subsidiary company has a lot of white power, so it is relatively simple to work.

3. The principle of regional center. In this principle, subsidiaries are classified by regions, such as Europe, Greater China and North America. The internal human resource management policies of each region shall be coordinated as much as possible, and the management personnel of subsidiaries shall be employees from any country in the region. In this mode, the degree of coordination and communication within the region is very high, while the communication and coordination between each region and the company headquarters is very limited.

4. The principle of global center. In this management mode, the company headquarters and its subsidiaries form a global network, which is regarded as an economic entity rather than a simple collection of the parent company and its subsidiaries. Human resource management policies under the global center principle serve the goal of overall optimization, so there can be policies that are generally applicable in the whole network, or policies that are partially applicable. Human resources management and other management tasks can be performed by employees from any country that is most suitable for them.