Reflective Question

academics and HR I do not think professionals have embraced SHRM out of self-interest

academics and HR I do not think professionals have embraced SHRM out of self-interest

by LI HAIYAN . -
Number of replies: 1

The research and practice of human resources management are not complete. In the 2019 work of Ulrich et al., it is introduced that Wright McMahan (1992) defines SHRM as "a model in which an organization systematically plans and manages various human resources deployments and activities in order to achieve strategic objectives"; They pointed out that this needs to vertically link the strategic management process with human resource management practices, and achieve horizontal coordination and consistency between these human resource management practices.

What is strategic human resource management? CIPD (British chartered Personnel Association) is defined as: strategic human resource management can be regarded as a method of human resource management, which provides a strategic framework to support long-term business objectives and results. The approach involves long-term personnel issues and macro issues related to structure, quality, culture, value, commitment and matching resources with future needs. Scholars and human resources management professionals choose SHRM because SHRM research can indeed promote the progress of human resources, not because of their own interests.

In reply to LI HAIYAN .

Re: academics and HR I do not think professionals have embraced SHRM out of self-interest

I agree with you.