Reflective Question

Reflective Question - Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM?

Reflective Question - Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM?

Number of replies: 2

As compared with HRM, SHRM gives companies and businesses that utilize it the feature of gaining competitive advantage by implementing strategical practices of HR to solve business problems. This in itself, allows HR professionals to contribute to resolve and be focused on a multitude of issues. The alignment of business goals allows human resources to be used in the best way.

At its root, the creation of value is something that cannot be ignored, and whether it implies self-interest, or the mutual benefits of the organization, it is one that has come into play regardless of the motives involved.

SHRM provides the following benefits to individuals and companies:

1.   Participating in the creation of strategic planning and influencing the strategic direction of the company as part of top tier management

2.   Focusing on internal and external relations, thus streamlining goals and objectives.

3.   Directing employee efforts towards the goals of the organization thus increasing competitive advantage

4.   Improving the responsiveness and innovation capacity of the company

In reply to HIRA IRFAN AHMED .

Re: Reflective Question - Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM?

Hi Hira,

I think the second paragraph is the most striking point in your answer. I totally agree with the statement that creating value is of highest priority to any organization and SHRM supports and propels that objective.
In reply to HIRA IRFAN AHMED .

Re: Reflective Question - Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM?

Hi Hira,
I enjoyed reading your answer to the reflective question. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.