Reflective Question

Importance of SHRM

Importance of SHRM

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At the outset, Strategic HRM is a framework that links people management and development practices to an organization’s long-term goals, objectives, and outcomes. Most organizations have agreed that people are its most important asset because they add to the sustainable value creation of the firm. While focusing on the resourcing necessities of an organization and, it also emphasizes on other HR strategies such as compensation and benefit management, T&D and HRP.

It is important to note that most HR strategies are shaped by an organization’s business strategies and are complementary to each other. This implies that business strategies are linked and incorporated into SHRM, outlining the management of both resources and integrating organizational strategies holistically.

In this regard, I opine that Strategic HRM has been embraced and incorporated into HR academics and on the professional front not because of an either/or situation but because of both strong business approach and self-interest. As an illustration, business strategies for enhanced customer service translates into specific HR strategies that includes training and performance improvement plans whereby employees are managed, motivated and trained in improving their knowledge, skills and abilities to be in line with the business strategies to achieve the said goal of improved customer service.

This demonstrates the vital role SHRM plays in recognizing the impact of competition and environment with an overall consideration of aligning corporate strategies with functional strategies and the reason behind the necessity of SHRM in the corporate and academic context.