Reflective Question



Number of replies: 1

SHRM is important because it guides the organisation toward its goals not individually but collaboratively. Growing a firm may seem simple, but it is really challenging to sustain due to increasing trends such as a competitive labour market, digital transformation, and societal change.

In order to ensure that employees are completely satisfied, an organisation should give employees the resources they need, give them the responsibilities they need, and give them the authority they need. This is in line with the strategic human resource management belief that the development of human resources can create value for the enterprise. carry out their own work within the boundaries of the company, and mobilise the enthusiasm of employees by developing a scientific and effective incentive mechanism, and provide corresponding material and spiritual incentives on the basis of a fair evaluation of employees' abilities, behavioural characteristics, and performance, in order to motivate employees to Create value for the company based on their own sense of worth.