SHRM plays vital role to achieve organization’s objectives by its structure, culture, quality of employees, motivation, contribution and etc. HR strategies perform to achieve organization’s overall strategic objectives. SHRM provide a platform to connecting people management and practices to reach business goals and results for long term. It mainly focus to long term employee issues with the nature of their works and company context to achieve their goals. Furthermore, this address to the other HR strategies like, reading and compensations and how employees are integrated to achieve overall company strategies.
Challenges of SHRM
To perform the business smooth way it is really important to recognize the challenges of SHRM. Because, it has connected with implications of workers of the company, and how they will fulfill their duties to achieve company goals. So following challenges will be faced while do the SHRM
I. Recruitment & selection
II. Career development and grwoth
III. Promoting organization culture & heterogeneous workforce
IV. . Conflict management and resolution
V. Business ethics and values
VI. Managing Multi-generational workforce.
VII. Strategies for motivation and retention
VIII. Flexible work hours
IX. Striking work life balance
X. Managing 5Rs
XI. Industrial Relationships
lets discuss how organizations should face to these types of challenges effectively