Reflective Question

Kalaza - Reflective Question

Kalaza - Reflective Question

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Below are the reasons –

-        Contribute to company goal accomplishment

-        Support implementation of business strategy

-        Provide competitive advantage

-        Improve responsiveness and innovation

-        Increase strategic options

-        Involve in company’s strategic planning and influencing

-        Collaboration between HRM department and managers


There are studies shows country origin is underlying influence on the HR activities of the companies. The influence has translated into the HR activities that show some commonalities and many differences in enhancing employee organization's linkage to achieve organization's prosperity. Focus on competitive pay packages to attract and retain talented cadres is clearly effective in manifesting job motivation, complimentary strategic HR practices are profoundly important in reducing staff turnover.

The deployment of the sophisticated techniques of complementary HR practices that well integrate individual and organizational needs may, therefore, prove to be an effective approach to the enhancement of employee organization's linkage, and hence, staff retention and job motivation. Organizational prosperity can be achieved through the combination of assessment and a close match of work values in staff selection, competitive performance-based pay packages, customized fringe benefits, developmental and cross functional training, fair and transparent PA, and performance-based promotion. If the local companies intend to create a competitive edge through a more committed workforce, they may be encouraged to consider refocusing on training. Furthermore, company may come to recognize that well directed investment in training is likely to yield far better long-term results than short term job specific training. It is also recommended that these companies be responsive to the pace of change, by redesigning their HR activities to meet the current needs of employees. In consideration of the growing staff dissatisfaction, companies may need to enhance fringe benefits as well as ‘open up’ more promotional opportunities at the senior managerial level. These may prove highly advantageous to local companies, particularly, if it leads to an overall increased motivational force and concerted effort to achieve organization's prosperity.